Trashy News
The state of news media in Canada, and elsewhere, is certainly not at a good place. Newsrooms are closing, or contracting across the country. A Canadian law designed to get social media companies to share part of their revenue with news outlets backfired spectacularly when Facebook decided to remove news outlets from all of their feeds rather than share their ample profits with them.
I would never have predicted what would happen next. Facebook banishing news made an already dire news vacuum even worse. In the small prairie city of Regina, a literal dumpster company with a penchant for sharing local news on their social media accounts has stepped into the void, and has become one of the biggest sources of local news in the city. The company has amassed tens of thousands of followers for their
In writing this post, I’ve rewritten the same basic joke about media these days being ‘trash’ or ‘a dumpster fire’ over and over, but honestly it’s more exasperating than funny.
Read More (and listen to the story in Podcast form) at Canadaland →