Archive for August, 2023

The 1 in Millions Basketball Play

I love these sort of sports trivia deep dives. Here absolute chaos allows the Portland Trailblazers to score 8 points on a single play. Goofy fun.

Book: How to Speak Whale

A nice little pop-science read, which looks at whale behaviour, language, and efforts being made to bridge human languages and theirs. Author Tom Mustill had an odd road to writing this book. In 2015, while kayaking, a breaching humpback whale jumped on top of him while he was kayaking, leaving him shaken but unhurt. The event was captured on video, went viral, and in a sense helped launch an interest in whales that resulted in the writing of this book.

Cute Eastern Garter Snake

Snapped on the weekend after moving a small log.

Book: Sabrina

Nick Drnasso’s 2018 book Sabrina is haunting, sad, and unsettling. It’s also beautifully illustrated in a minimalistic style that presents the flawed, relatable characters in a stark and straightforward way. The book explores loss and mourning after the titular Sabrina goes missing, and shows the aftermath of the people in her life who have to deal with the emotional impact of her absence.

More about Sabrina →


Macro of Gomphaceae mushroom

The Problem with Plastic

Information is Beautiful highlights this informative little infographic showing just how little of humanity’s plastic waste is actually recycled. I always knew recycling rates were small, but this chart shows just how minuscule it really is.

Link →

Ghost Pipe

While this looks like a mushroom, Ghost Pipe is actually a rare type of non-photosynthesizing plant. Instead of using the sun to make its own energy, it taps into the underground mycelia of fungi in the forest and takes its energy from them. This is a rare find, and the first I’ve found near my country cabin.

Loving Fera

On a more difficult note, friends of Elsewhat Vanessa and Sylvan had a hard and enlightening talk with the Practicing podcast about how hard it is to raise a child with a rare genetic condition. I’ve been hearing about their struggles for a few years, but never in one detailed and in depth conversation. A tough listen.

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